Tuesday, July 14, 2015

 Judge Anna shares a letter with us via Diane Hicks, July 13, 2015


New post on Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth

Judge Anna shares a letter with us via Diane Hicks, July 13, 2015

by Jean
Judge Anna is an acquaintance of mine, and I promised Judge Anna I would get this out far and wide. Please share this information. To order her comic book at the link is below, it's 60% off with this link, however we want "YOU" to share the information. The world needs this information, we need to change the way we do business in order to survive.
I just received my first copy (comic book)  from Judge Anna Maria Riezinger. “WOW” I can’t believe what I’m reading, Judge Anna puts it all out there doesn’t hold anything back. Judge Anna has written this in layman’s terms "comic book" form so that even a high school kid will get it. This is just a couple of highlights she talks about.
1.    The “Internal Revenue Service, Inc” is hired as an accounting service to keep track of credit accruing in the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, an estate trust created by the UNITED STATES (INC.) under the laws of the Washington DC Municipal Government (an independent, international City-State). The associated nine-digit Master Account Number is used as Employer Number written like this *123456789* representing the credit side of the account.
2.     The “IRS (INC)” is hired to perform the billing service of the governmental services corporation and keep track of the debt accruing against the account of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, using the Master Account Number as a Taxpayer Identification Number written like this: “ 123-45-6789” and representing the debt side of the account.
3.     You, the living man Called ‘John Quincy Adams” are presumed to be voluntary Withholding Agent responsible for keeping these accounts balanced, but you are never told anything about this job or how to do it, so you “mistakenly” pay the bill owed by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS out of your own pocket.
4.    Mortgage Fraud ---- Section 103 (b)(E)(2) of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980, Public Law 96-221 admits that “in the United States, neither Paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities .Intrinsically, a dollar bill is a piece of paper and deposits are merely book entries.”
5.     Generally Accepted Accounting Procedure (GAAP) defines all such “deposits” as bank liabilities; however, the bank provably NEVER pays these liabilities.
6.     So the bank never actually “loans” anything of equitable value and contributes nothing but a minor accounting service when they set up a mortgage.
7.     Additionally, FDIC Rules prevent banks from loaning their own assets or the assets of their depositors---- proving again that the banks do not and cannot provide value—for –value and have no valid security interest.
This takes the cake, I didn’t know this happened, as far as I’m concerned they have the wrong people in jail, this is why. THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY—You might think that the vast white collar crime perpetuated against the American’s, Brits, Canadians, Australians, and Europeans counts as “the crime of the century”, but fraud and coercion, extortion and even imprisonment and murder of individuals pales when compared to the crimes perpetuated by recent Bush and potentially, Barack Obama. Under Bush’s auspices we suffered an obvious False Flag attack against the World Trade center and the murder of thousands of innocent Americans and people from around the world who happened to be present on September 11, 2001----- but that is still not the “crime of the century” The crime of the century is the deliberate pollution of Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and large portions of North Africa with American nuclear waste. The perpetrators took what they called “spent” nuclear waste materials from storage in underground salt mines in the western United States and packed it into artillery shell casings which they exploded all over the Middle east And North Africa. George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Harry Reid are fundamentally responsible for pollution that will maim and kill innocent people in these countries for the next 60,000 years
You can order copies of Anna’s book with Black and White interior via AMAZON at https://www.createspace.com/4390079   UseDiscount Code A9RV5KUN for a discount of 60% off plus shipping.
Thanks Diane 

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