Wednesday, June 7, 2017

What about UV rays?
The sun is healthy for us all. We couldn't live without it! Safe sun exposure actually reduces the risk of skin cancer.Today we are fearfully warned by "experts" about sun exposure. Think about what happens when crops don't get enough sun. They don't thrive. The same happens to us! The key is sensible sun exposure. This will be different for each person. When the skin is slightly pink, it is time to get out of the sun or cover up. (Cotton clothes have a SPF of 15). Ultraviolet light from the sun comes in 2 main wavelengths. UVA rays are with us all day and can even affect us when it is cloudy. They penetrate more deeply into the skin layers, causing free radical damage, which is very detrimental to our health. This is the reason we need many antioxidants. UVB rays are more active during midday and help the skin produce Vitamin D3. It is important that your sun lotion allows these rays in. Most commercial lotions actually keep these out and let in the harmful UVA rays! Sun block can be dangerous because it creates the illusion that being in the sun a long time is ok. That allows the UVA rays to penetrate the skin and cause damage, reduce vitamin A and C levels, cause skin drying and wrinkling and even increase the risk of skin cancer. It is vital to get an adequate amount of vitamin D3 to maintain good health. It comes from UVB exposure. When not in the sun take an adequate amount of vitamin D3. And here is a tip most people don't know: After being in the sun it is important not to wash the skin for several hours in order for the Vitamin D3 to penetrate into the body.

Dr Mercola's article today gives more information on sun screens: Best and Worst Sunscreens of 2017

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